BAJAAO Musical Spoon

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BAJAAO Musical Spoon

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Buy BAJAAO Musical Spoon online in India – India’s music equipment superstore.

Buy BAJAAO Musical Spoon online in India – India’s music equipment superstore.

BAJAAO Musical Spoon – 3470

Spoons can be played as a makeshift percussion instrument, or more specifically, an idiophone related to the castanets. “Playing the spoons” originated in Ireland as “playing the bones,” in which the convex sides of a pair of sheep rib bones were rattled in the same way.


  • A pair of spoons is held with concave sides facing out and with a finger between their handles to space them apart. When the pair is struck, the spoons sharply hit each other and then spring back to their original position. The spoons are typically struck against the knee and the palm of the hand. The fingers and other body parts may also be used as striking surfaces to produce different sounds and for visual effect.
  • Salad serving style: one spoon between little, ring, and long finger; the other spoon between ring, thumb, and index finger in such a way that they can be moved with ring finger as the common axis. They can be hit to each other at the convex sides by gathering the fingers (mostly middle and thumb).
  • Castanets style, two in each hand one held down by the thumb, one between ring and middle finger.
  • One spoon in the left hand, one under the watch belt, these hit with one on the right hand.

Made in India

BAJAAO Musical Spoon
